
if not to solve the problem of &quot

"TV ratings survey criterion" which is the National Standard Committee approved and promulgated the first TV ratings survey of national standards, will be implemented from July 1, 2014, the ratings of the work into a more plausible stage. TV ratings survey with "national standards", can let the chaos "restore justice", this is a good thing, Cheap Blue Jays jerseys but in fact, the so-called "GB" with the old "standard" almost no difference, and a lot of problems, obviously can not afford "the role of hero".

TV ratings chaos, is Cheap Padres jerseys the fact that does not dispute, "only ratings" and "pseudo ratings" is the most outstanding problem. Ratings are important, because this and advertising hook, but "only ratings supremacy" to a certain extent, resulting in too many vulgar programs; "pseudo ratings" is engaged in the cheating, which deceive ourselves, deceive the audience.

it is understood, "national standards body" and no clear regulation and audit. This means that, chaos is still not regulation, mutual trust between the ratings data providers and users are difficult Cheap Houston Colts Jerseys to get in a short period of time, nature also difficult to obtain credibility. Indeed, all of the problems that a "GB" to carry, is not realistic, but Cheap Rangers jerseys at least be able to solve the basic problem, let the chaos can be inhibited, but only this, I am afraid it is difficult to reach.

"national standard" if you can not solve the real problem, it is difficult to Cheap Expos jerseys be implemented in practice, it is difficult to rebuild credibility, could end up just as the "vase" role. TV ratings survey "national standard" if not to solve the problem of "birth", that in a certain sense, is a waste, and will cause more severe, at best, only in name to fill a standard "blank".

- Wang Junrong (Zhejiang teachers)

