
Hollande and Merkel calls in the call


news agency, Beijing 11 July Xinhua general news: Ukrainian officials said 10 local time, the Ukraine army had control of the eastern Donetsk oblast and Lugans oblast about 2/3 area. On the same day, the Franco German backed Russia's call for a ceasefire in the Ukraine open.

according to Ukraine's national security and Defense Committee website news, the committee secretary Andre · 帕鲁比 says 10 days, the Ukraine military control zone 13 donetska 18 zone, 10 zone and 18 zone, Luhansk Oblast, two, more than 2/3 of the territory under army control. In recent weeks, the folk militants occupied the area decreases.

RIA Novosti news, said 帕鲁比 Cheap Jazz Jerseys 10 days in the statement, Donetsk Oblast, Luhansk will be surrounded and forced to surrender, folk militants.

Reuters news, a Donetsk city folk insurgents leader 10, a rare appearance before the public, and said, although they have been evacuated after the demyansk City, but they will Cheap Bulls Jerseys stick to the city of Donetsk, "we are confident that we have sufficient reserves to complete this task".

in the face of the current situation in Ukraine, Russia has called for the opening of the cease-fire negotiations as soon as possible.

in the face of the current situation in Ukraine, Russia has called for the opening of the cease-fire negotiations as soon as possible. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued 10 comments, the hope that the Kiev authorities to the UN Office for the coordination of Humanitarian Affairs conclusion, to take immediate measures to ease the tension in the East, to ensure the early opening cease-fire negotiations and repair the humanitarian situation.

al Jazeera news, the French President Hollande, German President Merkel 10, with Russian President Dmitry Putin said three party communication, support Russia asked Ukraine to open talks on a cease-fire appeal, they said, Russia should control the border to prevent Ukraine, Ukraine folk fighters and weapons from the border into Ukraine.

al Jazeera news, the French President Hollande, German President Merkel 10, with Russian President Cheap Kids NBA Jerseys Dmitry Putin said three party communication, support Russia asked Ukraine to open talks on a cease-fire appeal, they said, Russia should control the border to prevent Ukraine, Ukraine folk fighters and weapons Cheap Nets Jerseys from the border into Ukraine.

Hollande and Merkel calls in the call, the current into a political agreement in Ukraine government and folk militants as' between is very important.They asked Putin to the east of Ukraine folk militants pressure, make its negotiations with the Ukraine authorities, and take control measures Ukraine border. They asked Putin to the east of Ukraine folk militants pressure, make its negotiations with the Ukraine authorities, and take control measures Ukraine border.

Cheap Nuggets Jerseys authorities in Ukraine from this month 1 day suspension, resumption of a military strike since the eastern folk armed, have made progress. The 6 day, the government forces recaptured the donetska town after the demyansk and kramators'k City, then take more control of the armed civilian city east of the two state, a large number of non-governmental armed personnel evacuated to Donetsk city and Lugansk city.


(original title: the government forces control the eastern >

